What Is Black Eye Coffee & How to Make It?

Here at Reviva, we love to talk about all things coffee-related and this week we want to talk about a drink that’s not for the faint-hearted: Black Eye coffee. This powerful brew is not only popular with students cramming for tests but also with those who want to experience the collision of a regular drip coffee with the added intensity of a double shot of espresso. So if you’ve ever found yourself in need of a serious caffeine boost, a Black Eye may be the brew for you.

What Exactly is a Black Eye Coffee?

Black Eye coffee is essentially a regular cup of drip coffee but with the caffeinated punch of a double shot of espresso. Just imagine a cup of your favourite drip coffee but it’s supercharged with two shots of bold espresso.

Why is it Called Black Eye?

The term “Black Eye” is a direct reference to the appearance of the coffee once the shots have been added. You get a black circle at the heart of the crema, creating a darker, more intense cup. However, its name could also be associated with just how strong this beverage is! With its energising blend, the Black Eye is sure to really wake you up.

What Does Black Eye Coffee Taste Like?

The flavour profile of a Black Eye is invigorating. It blends the deep, rich flavours of espresso with the familiar, smooth taste of drip coffee. The result is a bold brew that maintains the popular flavours of a drip coffee but features a powerful espresso kick – ideal for a pick-me-up. Each sip offers a formidable taste, from the intense strength of the espresso to the comforting warmth of your favourite coffee.

How to Make the Perfect Black Eye Coffee

If you’re looking to create your own Black Eye coffee, here are some top tips to consdier before your get started:

  1. Grind: Your grind size is always essential when brewing coffee. For a Black eye coffee, you want to opt for a medium grind for your drip coffee to ensure a smooth extraction. Use a fine grind for your espresso as you want to allow the high-pressure extraction needed to achieve a rich shot of espresso.
  2. Roast: Just like your grind sizes, knowing the right roast is vital. We recommend choosing medium to dark roast coffee. These will provide you with a stronger, more flavourful profile that will naturally complement the intensity of the espresso shots and enhance the overall taste of your Black Eye coffee.
  3. Brewing: You want to ensure that your brew is strong enough to stand up to the espresso shorts and doesn’t become overly diluted and weak.
  4. Alternatives: If you’d like to try a Black Eye coffee but aren’t sure about the caffeine content, you can always opt for a Red Eye – with just one shot of espresso. Or if you’d like to take it up a notch a Dead Eye (aptly named) features three shots of espresso and really does pack a punch.

Black Eye Coffee Recipe

Tools of the trade

  • Brewing device for drip coffee (for example a Moka Pot, V60 or French Press)
  • Espresso machine
  • Your trusty mug
  • An additional container/mug
  • A spoon for stirring

Ingredients and finishing touches

  • 230ml drip coffee
  • 2 shots of espresso


  1. Brew a strong cup of coffee using your preferred method, we recommend using either our pre-ground coffee or whole beans.
  2. Prepare the espresso by brewing two shots in a separate container and put to the side.
  3. Put brewed coffee into your favourite mug and then carefully pour in the shots of espresso.
  4. Gently stir in to mix the flavours and then serve hot or over ice, depending on your preference.

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